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CourseInstructorCourse titleISBNTitleCost NewCost Used
ACCT201ClarkPrinciples of Accounting I9781285743615Accounting 26th edition (Text Only)$31.66$4.59
ACCT201TBAPrinciples of Accounting I9781285743615Accounting 26th edition (Text Only)$31.66$4.59
ACCT201ClarkPrinciples of Accounting I Standard Calculator$18.99N/A
ACCT201TBAPrinciples of Accounting I Standard Calculator$18.99N/A
ACCT301ClarkIntermediate Accounting I9781118742976Intermediate Accounting,  16th edition$79.99$5.44
ACCT301ClarkIntermediate Accounting I Standard Calculator$18.99N/A
ACCT401ClarkAuditing I9780134897431Auditing and Assurance Services, 17th edition$352.98$182.00
ACCT435ClarkBusiness and Fiduciary Taxation and Planning9781307779547Individual Income Taxation & Planning, Custom McGraw-Hill$70.00N/A
ARTS210PayneArt Appreciation9780500292037Gateways to Art: Understanding the Visual Arts, 2nd edition$128.83$4.59
BADM200Goodson 2Introduction to Business9780357122945Introduction to Business, 12th edition$70.60$52.44
BADM200DeLoachIntroduction to Business9780357122945Introduction to Business, 12th edition$70.60$52.44
BADM220RoweDiversity in the Workplace9781138731431Diversity In The Workforce$60.07$30.00
BADM303S, MoussalliPrinciples of Marketing9780078028984BASIC MARKETING: A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach, 19th edition$289.81$27.05
BADM306S, MoussalliInternational Business9780077842161International Marketing, 17th Edition$88.00$3.34
BADM311C, MoussalliBusiness Finance9780133507690Principles of Managerial Finance, 14th edition (Pearson Series in Finance)$57.00$13.48
BADM311C, MoussalliBusiness Finance TI BA II Plus Financial Calculator  
BADM312GoodsonPrinciples of Management9781285849041Fundamentals of Management$49.99$10.32
BADM312RowePrinciples of Management9781285849041Fundamentals of Management$49.99$10.32
BADM371S, MoussalliSeminar: Globalization and Politics No book requiredN/AN/A
BADM406GoodsonHuman Resource Management9781305500709Human Resource Management$180.02$129.02
BIOL101Gier 2Principles of Biology9780073525549Biology: Concepts and Investigations$19.95$5.48
BIOL101HDanielsPrinciples of Biology9780073525549Biology: Concepts and Investigations$19.95$5.48
BIOL103LDanielsPrinciples of Biology Laboratory Instructor-generated CoursepackN/AN/A
BIOL103LGierPrinciples of Biology Laboratory Instructor-generated CoursepackN/AN/A
BIOL103LHarePrinciples of Biology Laboratory Instructor-generated CoursepackN/AN/A
BIOL141HareMedical Vocabulary9780134701202Medical Terminology, A Living Language, 7th edition$117.32$49.96
BIOL161Ehinger 3Environmental Science9780393422108Environmental Science and Sustainability$132.24$80.92
BIOL231HareGenetics9780073525365Human Genetics, 11th edition$154.74$30.29
BIOL231LEhinger 2Genetics Lab No book requiredN/AN/A
BIOL314HareHuman Anatomy and Physiology I9780321909077Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, 10th edition$69.99$4.45
BIOL314LHareHuman Anatomy and Physiology I Lab Instructor-generated CoursepackN/AN/A
BIOL322DudleyCell Biology Molecules and MechanismsN/AN/A
BIOL322LDudley 2Cell Biology Lab No book requiredN/AN/A
BIOL334DudleyImmuniology No book requiredN/AN/A
BIOL336DanielsEcology9780190638887Ecology: Evolution, Application, Integration, 2nd edition$93.00$76.25
BIOL336LDanielsEcology Lab No book requiredN/AN/A
BIOL417GierComparative Anatomy9780078023026Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy$127.57$25.24
BIOL417LGierComparative Anatomy Lab9780077657055Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy: A Laboratory Dissection Guide$138.30$49.16
CAFF303McCordCurrent Affairs No book requiredN/AN/A
CALL100(Multiple)College-Readiness and Vocation No book requiredN/AN/A
CALL200Davis 1, Chandler 1, Rogers 1, TBA 1Introduction to Ethics and Vocation9780802829313Leading Lives That Matter: What We Should Do and Who We Should Be$15.53$1.25
CALL300Davis 1, Chandler 1, TBA 1Perspectives on Ethics and Vocation9780802829313Leading Lives That Matter: What We Should Do and Who We Should Be$15.53$1.25
CHEM105Patterson 3General Chemistry I Top Hat Access Code$45.00N/A
CHEM115LBerchGeneral Chemistry I Laboratory Instructor-generated CoursepackN/AN/A
CHEM115LJacksonGeneral Chemistry I Laboratory Instructor-generated CoursepackN/AN/A
CHEM305BerchOrganic Chemistry I9780470401415Organic Chemistry, 10th edition$79.00$5.90
CHEM305BerchOrganic Chemistry I Aktiv/Top Hat resource$30.00N/A
CHEM307PattersonInorganic Chemistry9780199264636Inorganic Chemistry, 4th edition$21.49$6.00
CHEM315LBerchOrganic Chemistry I Laboratory Safety GogglesN/AN/A
CHEM385BerchResearch in Chemistry/Biochemistry No book requiredN/AN/A
CHEM385JacksonResearch in Chemistry/Biochemistry No book requiredN/AN/A
CHEM385PattersonResearch in Chemistry/Biochemistry No book requiredN/AN/A
CHEM406JacksonBiochemistry I9781464126116Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 7th edition$135.85$82.44
CHEM409JacksonPhysical Chemistry I9781133958437Physical Chemistry$118.58$50.34
CHEM416LJacksonBiochemistry I Laboratory No book requiredN/AN/A
CHEM419LJacksonPhysical Chemistry I Laboratory No book requiredN/AN/A
CJUS100AlexanderIntroduction to Criminal Justice9780135186268Criminal Justice A Brief Introduction, 13th edition$159.99$105.78
CJUS201SchmuckerCriminal Investigation9780134548074Crime Scene Investigation & Reconstruction, 4th edition$112.73$47.67
CJUS202SchmuckerSurvey of Corrections9781305633735American Corrections in Brief, 3rd edition$80.00$54.99
CJUS208Schmucker 2Introduction to Criminology9781305261099Criminology: Theories, Patterns, and Typologies$151.85$2.55
CJUS303AlexanderConstitutional Law9781138601819Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice, 15th edition$90.72$60.59
CJUS304AlexanderPrivate Security9781611637632Security 101$53.50$26.56
CJUS371SchmuckerMythology of Crime and Criminal Justice9781479884971Crime TV: Streaming Criminology in Popular Culture$33.60$22.55
CJUS403AlexanderInterview and Interrogation9780134868196Interviewing and Investigations, 2nd edition$89.01$59.90
CMST201ChristensenIntroduction to Communication9781285075976Communication in Our Lives, 7th edition$114.91$2.00
CMST201StilesIntroduction to Communication9781285075976Communication in Our Lives, 7th edition$114.91$2.00
CMST233ChristensenEffective Public Speaking9781598718171The Speaker: The Tradition and Practice of Public Speaking, 3rd edition$75.00$1.30
CMST242StilesInterpersonal Communication9781319103323Reflect & Relate, 5th edition$109.95$56.41
CMST335RogersSmall Group Communication9780073534343Effective Group Discussion: Theory and Practice$44.39$5.49
CMST340StilesGender and Race in American Mass Media Custom Coursepack (Instructor to distribute)N/AN/A
CMST375StilesPublic Relations9780205857258THINK Public Relations, 2nd edition$93.85$15.00
CMST481TBAInternship in Communication N/AN/AN/A
CMST499ChristensenSenior Capstone in Communication Studies No book requiredN/AN/A
CRWR201FremlinIntroduction to Creative Writing9780393321241Making Shapely Fiction$19.00$12.59
CRWR201FremlinIntroduction to Creative Writing9781319040161The Practice of Creative Writing: A Guide for Students, 3rd edition$95.63$22.50
CRWR201FremlinIntroduction to Creative Writing9781592403110The Ode Less Travelled$11.61$3.33
ECON201C, MoussalliPrinciples of Microeconomics9780133872293Microeconomics, 12th edition, Pearson Series in Economics$80.77$10.76
ECON203DeLoachEconomics Development of the US9780137037414American Economic History$218.07$70.64
EDUC101McKinleyFoundations of Education9780134736846Your Introduction to Education$105.16$78.99
EDUC101StephensonFoundations of Education9780134736846Your Introduction to Education$105.16$78.99
EDUC303MartinThe Exceptional Child in the Community9780131376090The Law and Special Education, 3rd edition$164.00$100.00
EDUC303MartinThe Exceptional Child in the Community9781138886506Collaboration Among Professionals, Students, Families, and Communities: Effective Teaming for Student Learning$67.95$22.34
EDUC335MartinPracticum in P-12 or Secondary Education No book requiredN/AN/A
EDUC339ZimblemanReading in the Content Areas9780133431032Words Their Way: Vocabulary for Middle and Secondary Students, 2nd edition$61.00$13.21
EDUC339ZimblemanReading in the Content Areas9780135180877Improving Adolescent Literacy: Content Area Strategies At Work, 5th edition$63.99$50.00
EDUC339ZimblemanReading in the Content Areas9781462508167Bringing Words to Life: Robust Vocabulary Instruction, 2nd edition$21.06$13.49
EDUC340McKinleyClassroom Management for Teachers9780976423386First Days of School$16.49$11.04
EDUC342TBAEducation Technology No book requiredN/AN/A
EDUC347ZimblemanReading I9780132838092Phonics and Word Study for the Teacher of Reading$47.99$33.61
EDUC347ZimblemanReading I9781634022439Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures$59.99$51.99
EDUC347ZimblemanReading I9781681253305Speech to Print: Language Essentials for Teachers$36.15$34.27
EDUC347ZimblemanReading I9780135204917Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, 7th edition$67.94$38.20
EDUC352ZimblemanElementary Methods in Fine Arts9780807761571TheArt of Comprehension: Exploring visual texts to foster comprehension, conversation and confidence$31.95$14.82
EDUC360MartinIEP Development Mastering the Maze (State-generated coursepack)N/AN/A
EDUC360MartinIEP Development Instructor-generated CoursepackN/AN/A
EDUC436McKinley 1/2 Martin 1/2Practicum Elem Ed/Collaborative Special No book requiredN/AN/A
EDUC454StephensonElementary Methods in Mathematics9780132612265Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally, 8th edition$93.89$2.52
EDUC456StephensonElementary Methods in Science9780134516790Teaching Science Through Inquiry-Based Instruction, 13th edition$95.99$58.54
EDUC457ZimblemanElementary Methods in Social Studies No book requiredN/AN/A
EDUC470McKinleyProfessional Development Seminar EdTPA HandbookN/AN/A
EDUC490McKinley 1/2 Martin 1/2Internship in Elementary Education/CS No book requiredN/AN/A
ENGL105PerrinIntroduction to College Writing9780393538731They Say I Say$45.00$13.75
ENGL105PerrinIntroduction to College Writing9781319169404A Writer’s Reference, 10th edition$75.40$49.99
ENGL105HChandler 2Introduction to College Writing9780393538731They Say I Say$45.00$13.75
ENGL105HChandler 2Introduction to College Writing9781319169404A Writer’s Reference Tenth Edition$75.40$49.99
ENGL202Fremlin 1, TBA1eng 1, TBA2eng 1Survey of Literary Genres9780393631692The Seagull Reader: Literature, 4th edition$45.00$17.53
ENGL203PerrinCritical Perspectives in English9780061120084To Kill a Mockingbird$6.18$1.11
ENGL203PerrinCritical Perspectives in English9780393656596The Great Gatsby, Norton Critical Edition$13.02$7.47
ENGL203PerrinCritical Perspectives in English9780415506755Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide, 3rd edition$40.86$8.91
ENGL211TBA1engEnglish Literature I9780393913002The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 9th edition (Vol. Package 1: Volumes A, B, C)$129.00$34.15
ENGL211TBA1engEnglish Literature I9780393934991The Norton Shakespeare, 3rd edition (Vol. One-Volume)$100.48$33.00
ENGL224PerrinLiterature of the American South9780060838676Their Eyes Were Watching God: A Novel$5.28$1.19
ENGL224PerrinLiterature of the American South9780679732259As I Lay Dying: The Corrected Text$4.89$1.31
ENGL224PerrinLiterature of the American South9780393316711The Literature of the American South: A Norton Anthology$89.18$3.49
ENGL361ChandlerProfessional Writing and Public Writing No book requiredN/AN/A
ENGL412TBA2engShakespeare9780393934991The Norton Shakespeare, 3rd edition (Vol. One-Volume)$100.48$33.00
ENGL499ccSenior Capstone in English No book requiredN/AN/A
FLUT322studioStudio Instruction in Flute No book requiredN/AN/A
GEOG200BallHistorical Geography9780393353341Citizen Coke$13.15$3.54
GEOG200BallHistorical Geography9781501121470Prisoners of Geography$10.39$2.21
HIST111HPrimianoWorld Civilizations I9780061155772Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time$8.00$3.17
HIST111HPrimianoWorld Civilizations I9780205053766Sources of the West, Vol I: From the Beginning to 1715, 8th edition$86.12$4.98
HIST205BallAmerican History to 18779780143112082Revolutionary Characters$6.98$1.25
HIST205BallAmerican History to 18779781595231154The Patriot’s History Reader, revised edition$18.12$11.99
HIST206Witcher 2American History, 1877 to the Present9780312302474The Burning: Massacre, Destruction, and the Tulsa Race Riot$26.26$3.61
HIST215BallIntroduction to Historical Study9780195171570The Landscape of History$8.65$4.00
HIST302WitcherEurope 1914 to Present9780062303028Ordinary Men$12.15$6.34
HIST302WitcherEurope 1914 to Present9780691234304Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne Poland$14.26$7.74
HIST302WitcherEurope 1914 to Present‎ 9781250210869The Death of Democracy$11.99$6.69
HIST310PrimianoThe Far East9780521731645A History of East Asia$44.55$2.21
HIST315BallAlabama History9780817359171Alabama: The History of A Deep South State$35.94$23.58
HIST409WitcherThe Early National Period9780465097562The Rise of Andrew Jackson$12.02$2.25
HIST409WitcherThe Early National Period9780735224735Friends Divided: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson$5.22$1.49
HORN421StudioStudio Instruction in Horn No book requiredN/AN/A
LIBR311PaigeLibrary Research Methods9780226095691Information Now$10.62$1.18
MATH154TBA new mathCollege Algebra9781938168383College Algebra by OpenStax College
MATH154TBA new mathCollege Algebra Standard Calculator$18.99N/A
MATH155TBA new mathPrecalculus Mathematics9781938168345Precalculus by OpenStax College
MATH155TBA new mathPrecalculus Mathematics Standard Calculator$18.99N/A
MATH171BarnettIntroduction to Statistics OpenIntro Statistics at
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MATH171DeLoachIntroduction to Statistics OpenIntro Statistics at
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MATH176YoungCreative Mathematics Open Source:
MATH176YoungCreative Mathematics Open Source: http://nordstromjf.github.ioN/AN/A
MATH176YoungCreative Mathematics Standard Calculator$18.99N/A
MATH255GrinsteadCalculus I Apex Calculus Open Source Textbook  
MATH255GrinsteadCalculus I Standard Calculator$18.99N/A
MATH256BarnettCalculus II Apex Calculus Open Source Textbook  
MATH256BarnettCalculus II Standard Calculator$18.99N/A
MATH303DeLoachProbability9780821894149Open Source:
MATH355BarnettCalculus III Standard Calculator$18.99N/A
MATH355BarnettCalculus III9781429271783Calculus Volume III, Multivariable, 2nd edition$51.37$35.00
MATH360BarnettOrdinary Differential Equations Differential EquationsN/AN/A
MATH366YoungIntroduction to Abstract Mathematics Open Source:
MUAP103MonteKeyboard Laboratory I9781609043070Keyboard Musicianship: Piano for Adults, Book 1$47.45$9.50
MUAP108Howard/MooneyMarching Band No book requiredN/AN/A
MUAP113Slocumb/MooneyChamber Music No book requiredN/AN/A
MUAP115SextonConcert Choir No book requiredN/AN/A
MUAP117HayterClass Instruction in String No book requiredN/AN/A
MUAP118HayterClass Instruction in Woodwinds Woodwind and Brass PDF package$29.99N/A
MUAP151MonteRecital Attendance No book requiredN/AN/A
MUAP203LMonteKeyboard Laboratory III9780739049259Alfred’s Group Piano for Adults, Book 2, 2nd edition$62.32$36.58
MUAP499SlocumbSenior Capstone Music No book requiredN/AN/A
MUSC107HayterTheory and Harmony I9780393263053The Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis, 3rd edition$93.52$18.31
MUSC107HayterTheory and Harmony I9780393264623The Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis Workbook, 3rd edition$30.97N/A
MUSC109HayterSight Singing and Ear Training I Ear Master Cloud Credit$17.99N/A
MUSC201HayterTheory and Harmony III9780393263053The Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis, 3rd edition$93.52$18.31
MUSC201HayterTheory and Harmony III9780393264623The Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis Workbook, 3rd edition$30.97N/A
MUSC205HayterSight Singing and Ear Training III No book requiredN/AN/A
MUSC209DubeiIntroduction to Jazz History9780190087210The History of Jazz, 3rd edition$17.86$12.48
MUSC210MonteMusic Appreciation9781259870545Music: An Appreciation, Brief, 9th edition$86.88$7.69
MUSC210SextonMusic Appreciation9781259870545Music: An Appreciation, Brief, 9th edition$86.88$7.69
MUSC210WilliamsMusic Appreciation9781259870545Music: An Appreciation, Brief, 9th edition$86.88$7.69
MUSC301SlocumbBasic Conducting9780132514811The Modern Conductor, 6th edition$80.52$17.86
MUSC305SlocumbMarching Band Techniques No book requiredN/AN/A
MUSC309HayterOrchestration and Arranging9780739060841Essentials of Orchestration$9.63$3.32
MUSC309HayterOrchestration and Arranging
MUSC312SextonMusic of World Cultures9780367423148World Music: A Global Journey, 5th edition$71.98$56.73
MUSC321SextonMusic in the Elementary School9781735750200Finding the Flow: How Dalcroze Eurhythmics and a New Approach to Music Education Can Improve Public Schools$12.10$11.99
MUSC321SextonMusic in the Elementary School9781480339828First We Sing! Kodály-Inspired Teaching for the Music Classroom$13.52$11.54
MUSC335Slocumb/SextonPracticum in P-12 Music Education No book requiredN/AN/A
MUSC340SlocumbHistory and Lit in Music/Middle Ages9780393668179A History of Western Music$59.49$63.19
MUSC498SlocumbInternship in P-12 Music No book requiredN/AN/A
PERC321StudioStudio Instruction in Percussion No book requiredN/AN/A
PERC421StudioStudio Instruction in Percussion No book requiredN/AN/A
PHYS151MatsonIntroductory Physics Standard Calculator$18.99N/A
PHYS151MatsonIntroductory Physics9780321976444Physics, 5th edition$161.96$52.77
PHYS251MatsonGeneral Physics I9780133942651Physics for Scientists & Engineers$199.00$35.00
PHYS251MatsonGeneral Physics I Standard Calculator$18.99N/A
PSCI201PrimianoAmerican Government No book requiredN/AN/A
PSCI212PrimianoAmerican Policy System9780205861163Understanding Public Policy, 14th edition$68.33$51.19
PSYC201Mugno, Psych NewGeneral Psychology9781319122621Psychology: A Concise Introduction 6th edition$53.99$25.10
PSYC201Mugno, Psych NewGeneral Psychology OpenStax Psychology at
PSYC203TBA psyc newStatistics for the Behavioral Sciences9781133956570Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences 8th edition$25.67$18.39
PSYC303MugnoSocial Psychology9788131730898Social Psychology, 9th edition$40.00$18.80
PSYC305TBA psyc newTheories of Learning9780357658116Learning and Behavior: Active Learning Edition, 8th edition$99.98$79.98
PSYC310MugnoCognitive Psychology9781285763880Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research and Everyday Experience$98.08$14.98
PSYC327Copping 2Lifespan Development9781071895221Exploring Lifespan Development, 4th edition$147.97$124.16
PSYC330MugnoSp Topics-Legal and Forensic Psychology9780195181760Minds on trial: Great cases in law and psychology$35.39$17.38
PSYC404Copping 2Abnormal Psychology9781266568190Abnormal Psychology 9th Edition with DSM-5 TR Updates$79.99$63.50
RLGN101AbernethyInterpreting the Old Testament9780062234964Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today$12.62$1.68
RLGN101SoursInterpreting the Old Testament9780687278329The New Interpreter’s Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version With the Apocrypha$35.48$5.76
RLGN101AbernethyInterpreting the Old Testament9780062234964Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today$12.62$1.68
RLGN101AbernethyInterpreting the Old Testament9780687278329The New Interpreter’s Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version With the Apocrypha$35.48$5.76
RLGN101SoursInterpreting the Old Testament9780062234964Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today$12.62$1.68
RLGN101SoursInterpreting the Old Testament9780687278329The New Interpreter’s Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version With the Apocrypha$35.48$5.76
RLGN101HBorders 2Interpreting the Old Testament9780062234964Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today$12.62$1.68
RLGN101HBorders 2Interpreting the Old Testament9780687278329The New Interpreter’s Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version With the Apocrypha$35.48$5.76
RLGN208Abernethy 2Torah9780687278329The New Interpreter’s Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version With the Apocrypha$35.48$5.76
RLGN208Abernethy 2Torah9781851688548The Torah: A Beginner’s Guide (Beginner’s Guides)$9.74$2.04
RLGN212BordersJesus and Gospels9780061551826Surprised By Hope$13.99$1.69
RLGN212BordersJesus and Gospels9780800630751Fortress Introduction to the Gospels$14.70$1.50
RLGN212BordersJesus and Gospels9780800639006The Shadow of the Galilean: The Quest of the Historical Jesus in Narrative Form$23.00$7.99
RLGN240MooreBiblical Interpreta Christian Ethics9780687278329The New Interpreter’s Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version With the Apocrypha$35.48$5.76
RLGN240MooreBiblical Interpreta Christian Ethics9780439023528The Hunger Games$8.99$5.00
RLGN240MooreBiblical Interpreta Christian Ethics9780687082025The Truth About God$13.99$9.73
RLGN241SoursBiblical Interpreta Christian Theology9780310538929The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible$12.24$7.72
RLGN241SoursBiblical Interpreta Christian Theology9781433538926What’s Your Worldview?: An Interactive Approach to Life’s Big Questions$10.99$2.74
RLGN241SoursBiblical Interpreta Christian Theology9781587431012God Is Not$15.00$1.18
RLGN241SoursBiblical Interpreta Christian Theology9781587432293God Does Not$15.77$5.49
RLGN242Davis 2Biblical Interpret in Church History9781540964885Turning Points, 4th edition$20.46$17.95
RLGN243Rochelle-StevensBiblical Interpretation, Race & Justice9780807010297Jesus and the Disinherited$14.49$4.30
RLGN243Rochelle-StevensBiblical Interpretation, Race & Justice9780830854868Reading While Black$13.29$5.85
RLGN302BordersNew Testament Greek9780805444933Learn to Read New Testament Greek, 3rd edition$29.99$12.36
RLGN360DavisReligion in America9780310586173America’s Religious History: Faith, Politics, and the Shaping of a Nation$20.23$11.23
RLGN361SoursSpecial Topics: Eschatology9780664236281Revelation$23.46$4.50
RLGN361SoursSpecial Topics: Eschatology9780898702972Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Heaven$18.95$5.98
RLGN361SoursSpecial Topics: Eschatology9781587433566Heaven, Hell & Purgatory$14.74$8.74
SPAN101TBASpan NewElementary Spanish I9788418032578Proyectos$93.63$85.00
SSPE110BallardFoundations of Sport and PE9781284198300Foundations of Kinesiology, 2nd edition$76.27$46.25
SSPE110HendersonFoundations of Sport and PE9781284198300Foundations of Kinesiology, 2nd edition$76.27$46.25
SSPE110TownsendFoundations of Sport and PE9781284198300Foundations of Kinesiology, 2nd edition$76.27$46.25
SSPE203ShoffnerSport Psychology9781450469814Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6th edition$86.00$75.00
SSPE214Olson 2Applied Human Anatomy and Physiology I College Anatomy & PhysiologyN/AN/A
SSPE214LOlson 3Applied Human Anatomy & Phy Lab No book requiredN/AN/A
SSPE220Bridges 2Motor Behavior9781718211711Motor Learning and Development, 3rd edition$129.00$79.00
SSPE302Bamman 2Organization and Administration9781284142136Principles and Practice of Sport Management, 6th edition$89.99$54.97
SSPE306DormanAdapted Physical Education No book requiredN/AN/A
SSPE307HarvilleRecreational Program/Facility Mgt No book requiredN/AN/A
SSPE312BridgesSchool Health Education9781492593560The Essentials of Teaching Health Education, 2nd edition$87.00$60.82
SSPE314BridgesCommunity Health9781478636649The Process of Community Health, Education, and Promotion, 3rd edition$52.45$13.89
SSPE332BothwellSociology of Sport9781492593850Social Issues in Sport, 4th edition$92.31$71.45
SSPE352TownsendTeaching and Analysis: Team Sports No book requiredN/AN/A
SSPE375HendersonIntroduction to Athletic Training9781260570939Principles of Athletic Training$132.50$94.69
SSPE415BammanMeasurement and Evaluation9780815392255Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Activity Applications$62.88$49.87
SSPE430TownsendMethods of Teaching PE/Elementary No book requiredN/AN/A
SSPE433BammanExercise Physiology9781718201729Physiology of Sport and Exercise, 8th edition$130.38$94.90
SSPE435TownsendPracticum/Physical Education P-12 No book requiredN/AN/A
SSPE481ShoffnerInternship in Sport Science and Phys Ed No book requiredN/AN/A
SSPE498DormanInternship in Physical Ed/P12 No book requiredN/AN/A
SSPE499Bamman CCSenior Capstone in SSPE No book requiredN/AN/A
THEA213AStaffActing & Directing for Non-Majors9780822210788Steel Magnolias$13.00N/A
THEA213AStaffActing & Directing for Non-Majors9780735216686Fences$13.28$1.50
THEA213AStaffActing & Directing for Non-Majors9785100113959All My Sons$23.93$6.14
TROM221studioStudio Instruction in Trombone No book requiredN/AN/A
TROM422studioStudio Instruction in Trombone No book requiredN/AN/A
TRUM221studioStudio Instruction in Trumpet No book requiredN/AN/A
TRUM321studioStudio Instruction in Trumpet No book requiredN/AN/A
TRUM421studioStudio Instruction in Trumpet No book requiredN/AN/A
VOIC321studioStudio Instruction in Voice No book requiredN/AN/A
Course Course Name ISBN Book Title New Cost Used Cost
ACCT202 Principles of Accounting II 9781285743615 Accounting 26th Edition (Text Only) $88.00 $10.99
ACCT202 Principles of Accounting II Standard Calculator $18.99 $10.99
ACCT302 Intermediate Accounting II 9781118742976 Intermediate Accounting, 16th edition $125.00 $111.99
ACCT302 Intermediate Accounting II Standard Calculator $18.99 $18.99
ACCT321 Cost Accounting 9781307780307 Cost Accounting, McGraw Hill Custom Publishing $106.99 $22.64
ACCT335 Individual Income Taxation and Planning 9781307779547 Individual Income Taxation & Planning, custom McGraw Hill $150.74 $120.11
ACCT350 Accounting Information Systems N/A N/A N/A
ACCT441 Govt. & Not-for-Profit Acct. 9781307779554 Governmental and Not-For-Profit Accounting, McGraw Hill Custom $116.40 N/A
ACCT481 Internship in Accounting N/A N/A N/A
AERO112 Heritage and Value of the USAF N/A N/A N/A
AERO112L Heritage and Value of the USAF Lab N/A N/A N/A
BADM200 Introduction to Business 9780357122945 Introduction to Business, 12th edition $69.50 $12.77
BADM203 Quantitative Methods in Mgmt 9780321755957 A First Course in Statistics, 11th edition $146.94 $18.00
BADM203 Quantitative Methods in Mgmt Standard Calculator $18.99 $18.99
BADM220 Diversity in the Workplace 9781138731431 Diversity In The Workforce $60.07 $30.00
BADM302 Business Law 9781305075436 Essentials of Business Law and the Legal Environment, 12th edition $150.72 $115.00
BADM303 Principles of Marketing 9780078028984 Basic Marketing: A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach, 19th edition $289.81 $27.05
BADM304 International Marketing 9780077842161 International Marketing 17th $88.00 $3.34
BADM306 International Business 9781259317224 International Business $55.00 $25.00
BADM311 Business Finance 9780133507690 Principles of Managerial Finance, 14th edition (Pearson Series in Finance) $326.65 $21.37
BADM311 Business Finance TI BA II Plus Financial Calculator $26.00 $26.00
BADM312 Principles of Management 9781285849041 Fundamentals of Management $49.99 $10.32
BADM315 Organizational Theory and Behavior 9780078112669 Organizations: Behavior, Structure, Processes $139.52 $98.80
BADM333 Entrepreneurship 9780132555524 Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures, 4th edition $172.97 $5.98
BADM403 International Finance 9780136096689 Multinational Business Finance 12th $40.00 $6.36
BADM408 Ethics in Management N/A N/A N/A
BADM481 Internship in Business N/A N/A N/A
BADM499 Sr. Capstone in Business Administration: Strategic Management 9780134167848 Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases, 16th edition $259.00 $75.96
BIOL101 Principles of Biology 9780073525549 Biology: Concepts and Investigations $25.00 $6.77
BIOL103L Principles of Biology Laboratory Instructor-Generated Coursepack N/A N/A
BIOL161 Environmental Science 9780393422108 Environmental Science and Sustainability $88.93 $9.75
BIOL202 General Biology – Zoology 9780073028064 Animal Diversity, 6th Edition $119.62 $6.02
BIOL202L General Biology – Zoology Lab N/A N/A N/A
BIOL227 General Biology – Botany 9780073369440 Stern’s Introductory Plant Biology $138.99 $28.08
BIOL227L General Biology – Botany Lab 9780804001496 How to Identify Plants $16.95 $5.94
BIOL227L General Biology – Botany Lab 9780807810873 Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas $58.85 $21.40
BIOL261 Critical Perspec in Environmental Stud 9780393930726 Humans in Landscape: An Introduction $47.81 $33.31
BIOL315 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 9780321909077 Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, 10th edition $256.94 $43.50
BIOL315L Human Anatomy & Physiology II Lab N/A N/A N/A
BIOL325 Microbiology 9780321929150 Microbiology: An Introduction, 12th edition $49.90 $40.78
BIOL325L Microbiology Laboratory N/A N/A N/A
BIOL343 Field Biology N/A N/A N/A
BIOL343L Field Biology Laboratory N/A N/A N/A
BIOL371 Seminar: Primary Literature in Biology N/A N/A N/A
BIOL381 IS: Pathophysiology of the Eye N/A N/A N/A
BIOL422 Adv. Cell & Molecular Biology N/A N/A N/A
BIOL422L Advanced Cell Biology Lab N/A N/A N/A
CAFF303 Current Affairs N/A N/A N/A
CALL100 College-Readiness and Vocation N/A N/A N/A
CALL200 Introduction to Ethics and Vocation 9780802829313 Leading Lives That Matter: What We Should Do and Who We Should Be $125.74 $2.09
CALL300 Perspectives on Ethics and Vocation 9780802829313 Leading Lives That Matter: What We Should Do and Who We Should Be $125.74 $2.09
CHEM105 General Chemistry I Top Hat Access Code $45.00 $45.00
CHEM106 General Chemistry II Top Hat Access Code $45.00 $45.00
CHEM115L General Chemistry I Laboratory N/A N/A N/A
CHEM116L General Chemistry II Laboratory N/A N/A N/A
CHEM306 Organic Chemistry II 9780470401415 Organic Chemistry, 10th Edition $30.66 $4.00
CHEM316L Organic Chemistry II Laboratory N/A N/A N/A
CHEM321 Analytical Chemistry I 9781464135385 Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 9th edition $558.50 $199.16
CHEM321L Analytical/Environmental Chemistry Lab N/A N/A N/A
CHEM407 Biochemistry II 9781464126116 Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 7th edition. $33.98 $7.45
CHEM410 Physical Chemistry II 9781133958437 Physical Chemistry $28.42 $23.48
CHEM420L Physical Chemistry II Laboratory N/A N/A N/A
CHEM475 Critical Thinking Applications in Chemistry, Physics, & Biochemistry N/A N/A N/A
CHEM485 Research in Chemistry/Biochemistry N/A N/A N/A
CJUS100 Introduction to Criminal Justice 9780135186268 Criminal Justice A Brief Introduction, 13th edition $120.00 $16.98
CJUS208 Introduction to Criminology 9781305261099 Criminology: Theories, Patterns, and Typologies $151.85 $2.55
CJUS209 Introduction to Juvenile Delinquency 9780133826289 Juvenile Delinquency, 2nd edition $98.20 $9.89
CJUS310 Critical Incident Management and Investigation 9781439874547 Critical Incident Management: A Complete Response Guide, 2nd edition $68.68 $61.00
CJUS401 Criminalistics 9780134477596 Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science, 12th edition $186.66 $129.18
CJUS404 Ethics and the Criminal Justice System 9780133843286 Professional Ethics In Criminal Justice When No One Is Looking  4th ed $77.60 $56.47
CJUS404 Ethics and the Criminal Justice System 9781478646204 Case Studies In Criminal Justice Ethics $13.48 $6.53
CJUS405 Research Methods for Criminal Justice 9780134558912 Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology, 10th edition $72.50 $64.22
CLAR122 Studio Instruction in Clarinet N/A N/A N/A
CLAR221 Studio Instruction in Clarinet N/A N/A N/A
CMST201 Introduction to Communication 9781285075976 Communication in Our Lives, 7th edition $76.13 $26.62
CMST201H Honors Introduction to Communication 9781285075976 Communication in Our Lives, 7th edition $76.13 $26.62
CMST220 Media and Society 9781305580985 Media Impact, 12th edition $76.13 $26.62
CMST320 Media Production and Reception 9781506397405 Media Audiences: Effects, Users, Institutions, and Power 2nd Edition $113.99 $75.99
CMST375 Public Relations 9780205857258 THINK Public Relations, 2nd edition $49.95 $22.00
CMST385 Research Methods in Communication 9780190652746 Communication Research Methods $98.58 $64.22
CMST420 Organizational Communication 9781483317069 Organizational Communication: A Critical Introduction, 2nd edition $133.66 $53.28
CMST420 Organizational Communication 9781285164205 Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes 7th Edition $92.22 $73.53
CMST481 Internship in Communication N/A N/A N/A
CRWR431 CRWR Practicum: The Prelude 9780802132635 Editors On Editing What Writers Need To Know About What Editors Do
ECON202 Principles of Macroeconomics 9780133872644 Macroeconomics, 12th edition (Pearson Series in Economics) $80.00 $18.78
ECON206 Personal Finance 9780134408378 Personal Finance, 6th edition $215.99 $89.96
EDUC101 Foundations of Education 9780134736846 Your Introduction to Education $105.00 $35.00
EDUC101 Foundations of Education 9781483365015 Introduction To Teaching Making A Difference In Student Learning $78.98 $19.74
EDUC202 Survey of Exceptional Children and Youth 9780135160428 Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education, 11th edition $63.33 $10.00
EDUC235 Human Growth, Development and Learning 9780593138533 Stolen Focus $10.99 $8.99
EDUC302 The Exceptional Child in the Classroom 9780133589399 Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Effective, Differentiated and Reflective Practices, Enhanced Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version — Access Card Package (8th Edition) $79.99 $67.75
EDUC314 Secondary History Methods N/A N/A N/A
EDUC315 Secondary Mathematics Methods N/A N/A N/A
EDUC316 Secondary Biology Methods N/A N/A N/A
EDUC321 General Secondary Methods 9780134069227 Teaching in the Middle and Secondary Schools, Pearson eText with LooseLeaf Version  Access Card Package (11th Edition) $112.49 $79.99
EDUC334 Early Numeracy N/A N/A N/A
EDUC335 Practicum in P-12 or Secondary Education N/A N/A N/A
EDUC343 Assessment in Education 9780132868600 Classroom Assessment Pearson New International Ed $98.91 $8.07
EDUC343 Assessment in Education 9780134894638 Classroom Assessment: What Teachers Need to Know , 8th edition $66.46 $48.73
EDUC343 Assessment in Education 9780137146246 Linking Assessment To Instructional Strategies A Guide For Teachers $40.00 $22.00
EDUC348 Reading II 9780132838092 Phonics and Word Study for the Teacher of Reading $47.99 $36.48
EDUC348 Reading II 9780133431032 Words Their Way: Vocabulary for Middle and Secondary Students (Words Their Way Series) 2nd Edition $89.00 $50.65
EDUC348 Reading II 9780135204917 Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction 7th Edition $89.00 $50.65
EDUC348 Reading II 9780325060781 The Fountas And Pinnell Literacy Continuum Of Literacy Learning Prek-8 $72.00 $68.00
EDUC348 Reading II 9780325086842 Guided Reading Responsive Teaching Across The Grades $61.00 $40.00
EDUC348 Reading II 9781462511990 Making Sense of Phonics 2nd ed $29.04 $21.99
EDUC348 Reading II 9781598570748 Unlocking literacy 2nd ed $28.49 $23.98
EDUC348 Reading II 9781625310637 Strategies That Work 3rd Ed Teaching Comprehension For Engagement Understanding And Building Knowledge Grades K-8 $39.95 $30.12
EDUC348 Reading II 9781634022439 Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures $89.98 $73.99
EDUC348 Reading II 9781681253305 Speech to Print: Language Essentials for Teachers $42.09 $29.40
EDUC348 Reading II 9781681254036 The Reading Comprehension Blueprint
EDUC349 Literacy for Home and School 9780134059808 Lang. Arts Patterns of Practice 9th ed $5.95 $3.00
EDUC349 Literacy for Home and School 9780134446783 Teaching Writing: Balancing Process and Product, 7th edition $5.95 $3.00
EDUC349 Literacy for Home and School 9780325003108 Guiding Readers And Writers Grades 3-6 $35.00 $5.00
EDUC349 Literacy for Home and School 9781119364917 Writing Revolution $18.29 $33.25
EDUC470 Professional Development Seminar EdTPA Handbook N/A N/A
EDUC490 Internship in Elementary Education/CS N/A N/A N/A
EDUC497 Internship in Secondary Education N/A N/A N/A
ENGL105 Introduction to College Writing 9780393538731 They Say I Say $45.00 $13.75
ENGL105 Introduction to College Writing 9781319169404 A Writer’s Reference, 10th edition $75.40 $49.99
ENGL106 Writing Across the Disciplines 9780393538731 They Say I Say $57.00 N/A
ENGL106 Writing Across the Disciplines 9781319169404 A Writer’s Reference, 10th edition $126.53 $5.04
ENGL106H Honors Writing Across the Disciplines 9780393538731 They Say I Say $57.00 N/A
ENGL106H Honors Writing Across the Disciplines 9781319169404 A Writer’s Reference, 10th edition $126.53 $5.04
ENGL202 Survey of Literary Genres 9780393631692 The Seagull Reader: Literature, 4th edition $42.50 $36.02
ENGL203 Critical Perspectives in English 9780061120084 To Kill a Mockingbird $6.18 $1.11
ENGL203 Critical Perspectives in English 9780393656596 The Great Gatsby, Norton Critical Edition $5.89 $1.50
ENGL203 Critical Perspectives in English 9780415506755 Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide, 3rd edition $44.44 $42.47
ENGL231 Contemporary Literature 9780307588371 Gone Girl $18.00 $12.94
ENGL231 Contemporary Literature 9780380778553 Rebecca $7.15 $7.15
ENGL231 Contemporary Literature 9780393332148 The Talented Mr. Ripley $14.95 $10.49
ENGL231 Contemporary Literature 9780618871711 Fun Home $14.95 $11.45
ENGL231 Contemporary Literature 9780684824772 Mumbo Jumbo $9.99 $3.99
ENGL231 Contemporary Literature 9780811216999 The Labyrinths $13.77 $9.99
ENGL231 Contemporary Literature 9781400032716 The Curious Incident of the Dog $16.00 $8.99
ENGL231 Contemporary Literature 9781400033423 Song of Solomon $26.75 $10.96
ENGL231 Contemporary Literature 9781555975999 Erasure $18.99 $11.45
ENGL231 Contemporary Literature 9781559360999 Cloud 9 $14.95 $10.95
ENGL241 World Literature 9780375714832 The Complete Persepolis $10.00 $1.99
ENGL241 World Literature 9780385474542 Things Fall Apart $15.30 $7.97
ENGL241 World Literature 9780393602975 The Classic Fairy Tales, 2nd edition Norton Critical Editions $27.00 $24.50
ENGL241 World Literature 9780393923209 The Metamorphosis, Norton Critical Editions $16.88 $3.69
ENGL241 World Literature 9780919630239 If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler $15.99 $12.49
ENGL351 Call and Response: Rhetoric of Civil Rights 9781625346896 The New Civil Rights Movement Reader $36.95 $22.36
FLUT122 Studio Instruction in Flute N/A N/A N/A
FLUT421 Studio Instruction in Flute N/A N/A N/A
HIST112H Honors World Civilizations II 9780679406419 The Complete Maus $24.99 $16.90
HIST121 African American Experience American His 9781944424855 Frederick Douglas: Self-made man $14.99 $7.99
HIST205 American History to 1877 9780143112082 Revolutionary Characters $6.98 $1.25
HIST205 American History to 1877 9781595231154 The Patriot’s History Reader, Revised Edition $18.12 $11.99
HIST206 American History, 1877 to the Present 9780312302474 The Burning: Massacre, Destruction, and the Tulsa Race Riot $26.26 $3.61
HIST313 Ancient Greece 9780307279484 Persian Fire $12.12 $4.99
HIST313 Ancient Greece 9780425286524 Alexander the Great $18.99 $11.99
HIST316 Medieval Europe 9780141984766 The Vikings: Third Edition $13.00 $11.00
HIST316 Medieval Europe 9780143122821 The Maid and the Queen: The Secret History of Joan of Arc $14.00 $8.00
HIST408 American Colonial History 9780495912996 Major Problems in American Colonial History (Major Problems in American History Series $58.88 $5.08
HORN422 Studio Instruction in Horn N/A N/A N/A
INDP371 Travel Seminar: Summer Hawaii N/A N/A N/A
INDP483E Fieldwork in an Interdisciplinary Minor Environmental Studies N/A N/A N/A
MATH154 College Algebra 9781938168383 College Algebra by OpenStax College N/A N/A
MATH154 College Algebra Standard Calculator $18.99 $18.99
MATH155 Precalculus Mathematics 9781938168345 Precalculus by OpenStax College N/A N/A
MATH155 Precalculus Mathematics Standard Calculator $18.99 $18.99
MATH171 Introduction to Statistics Standard Calculator $18.99 $18.99
MATH171 Introduction to Statistics OpenIntro Statistics at N/A N/A
MATH255 Calculus I Apex Calculus Open Source Textbook: N/A N/A
MATH255 Calculus I Standard Calculator $18.99 $18.99
MATH256 Calculus II Apex Calculus Open Source Textbook: N/A N/A
MATH256 Calculus II Standard Calculator $18.99 $18.99
MATH301 Introduction to Logic 9780415996518 Introduction to Logic, 2nd edition $50.30 $7.97
MATH320 Linear Algebra Lyryx Linear Algebra at N/A N/A
MATH361 Complex Variables 9780763714253 Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering $60.00 $12.00
MATH411 Abstract Algebra 9780486474175 A Book of Abstract Algebra, 2nd edition $15.79 $3.86
MATH460 Advanced Applied Mathematics 9780486479309 Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists $21.00 $8.00
MATH471 Mathematical Statistics OpenIntro Statistics: N/A N/A
MILS102 Basic Leadership N/A N/A N/A
MILS104L Leadership Laboratory N/A N/A N/A
MUAP104L Keyboard Laboratory II 9781609043070 Keyboard Musicianship: Piano for Adults, Book 1 $45.04 $38.05
MUAP109 Concert Band N/A N/A N/A
MUAP113 Chamber Music N/A N/A N/A
MUAP115 Concert Choir N/A N/A N/A
MUAP120 Class Instruction in Percussion N/A N/A N/A
MUAP121 Class Instruction in Voice I N/A N/A N/A
MUAP151 Recital Attendance N/A N/A N/A
MUAP153 Jazz Ensemble N/A N/A N/A
MUAP200 Sophomore Performance Proficiency N/A N/A N/A
MUAP204L Keyboard Laboratory IV 9780739049259 Alfred’s Group Piano for Adults, Book 2, 2nd edition $69.98 $37.31
MUAP209 Piano Proficiency N/A N/A N/A
MUAP499I Senior Capstone: Instrumental Recital N/A N/A N/A
MUSC108 Theory and Harmony II 9780393263053 The Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis (Third Edition) $47.90 $9.88
MUSC108 Theory and Harmony II 9780393264623 The Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis Workbook (Third Edition) $47.90 $9.88
MUSC110 Sight Singing & Ear Training II N/A N/A N/A
MUSC200 Theory Proficiency N/A N/A N/A
MUSC202 Theory and Harmony IV 9780393263053 The Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis (Third Edition) $30.97 N/A
MUSC202 Theory and Harmony IV 9780393264623 The Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis Workbook (Third Edition) $30.97 N/A
MUSC202 Theory and Harmony IV Music Theory for the 21st-Century Classroom, at N/A N/A
MUSC206 Sight Singing & Ear Training IV N/A N/A N/A
MUSC209 Introduction to Jazz History 9780190087210 The History of Jazz, 3rd edition $17.86 $12.48
MUSC210 Music Appreciation 9781259870545 Music: An Appreciation, Brief, 9th edition $22.21 $20.24
MUSC240 Introduction to Music History and Literature N/A N/A N/A
MUSC303 Instrumental Conducting 9780193868540 Conducting Technique: For Beginners and Professionals Book 3rd Edition $20.00 $17.00
MUSC323 Instrumental Methods Secondary School 9781622771455 Teaching Band and Orchestra $32.08 $30.74
MUSC324 Choral Methods in the Secondary School 9781622772018 Educating Young Singers $39.15 $27.85
MUSC342 Music and Technology 9781138954373 Modern Recording Techniques, 9th edition $49.04 $24.83
PERC121 Studio Instruction in Percussion N/A N/A N/A
PERC122 Studio Instruction in Percussion N/A N/A N/A
PERC322 Studio Instruction in Percussion N/A N/A N/A
PHSC102 Physical Science 9780321753342 Conceptual Physical Science (5th Edition) $90.00 $20.00
PHYS152 Introductory Physics II 9780321976444 Physics, 5th edition $161.96 $52.77
PHYS152 Introductory Physics II standard Calculator $18.99 $18.99
PHYS152L Introductory Physics II Lab N/A N/A N/A
PHYS252 General Physics II 9780133942651 Physics for Scientists & Engineers $94.26 $86.61
PHYS252 General Physics II standard Calculator $18.99 $18.99
PHYS252L General Physics II Laboratory N/A N/A N/A
PIAN121 Studio Instruction in Piano N/A N/A N/A
PSCI207 Intro to Public Administration 9780205780501 Introducing Public Administration $11.93 $6.30
PSCI207 Intro to Public Administration 9780495833192 Managing the Public Sector $120.00 $25.00
PSCI209 World Politics 9780073378992 International Politics on the World Stage, Brief 8th edition $162.46 $24.64
PSCI209 World Politics 9780871242563 Great Decisions 2017 $32.86 $4.76
PSCI209H World Politics 9780871242563 Great Decisions 2017 $32.86 $4.76
PSCI209H World Politics 9780073378992 International Politics on the World Stage, Brief 8th edition $162.46 $24.64
PSCI303 International Relations 9780205971435 International Relations, 6th edition $33.11 $19.41
PSCI303 International Relations 9781435462724 American Foreign Policy & Process, 6th edition $86.39 $58.49
PSYC201 General Psychology 9781319122621 Psychology: A Concise Introduction 6th edition $34.15 $10.95
PSYC201 General Psychology OpenStax Psychology: N/A N/A
PSYC204 Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences 9781337613316 Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences, 6th edition $66.00 $41.00
PSYC303 Social Psychology 9788131730898 Social Psychology, 9th edition $40.00 $18.80
PSYC307 Theories of Personality 9781111834531 Theories of Personality $44.91 $20.43
PSYC311 Psychology of Women 9780205963232 Gender: Psychological Perspectives, 7th edition $26.66 $24.30
PSYC327 Lifespan Development 9781071895221 Exploring Lifespan Development, 4th edition $62.00 $45.00
PSYC401 Physiological Psychology 9781111831004 Biological Psychology $42.62 $7.48
PSYC405 Clinical Practice 9781483345048 Clinical Psychology: Science, Practice and Culture 3rd $49.00 $10.00
PSYC481 Internship in Psychology N/A N/A N/A
RLGN102 Interpreting the New Testament 9780062234964 Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today $7.98 $1.68
RLGN102 Interpreting the New Testament 9780687278329 The New Interpreter’s Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version With the Apocrypha $21.97 $10.95
RLGN102H Interpreting the New Testament 9780062234964 Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today $7.98 $1.68
RLGN102H Interpreting the New Testament 9780687278329 The New Interpreter’s Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version With the Apocrypha $21.97 $10.95
RLGN208 Torah 9780393333930 5 Book of Moses $14.98 $7.00
RLGN208 Torah 9781851688548 The Torah: A Beginner’s Guide (Beginner’s Guides) $9.74 $2.04
RLGN212 Jesus and Gospels 9780061551826 Surprised By Hope $13.99 $1.69
RLGN212 Jesus and Gospels 9780800630751 Fortress Introduction to the Gospels $8.40 $1.23
RLGN212 Jesus and Gospels 9780800639006 The Shadow of the Galilean: The Quest of the Historical Jesus in Narrative Form $18.00 $4.38
RLGN240 Biblical Interpret Christ Ethics 9780439023528 The Hunger Games $8.99 $5.00
RLGN240 Biblical Interpret Christ Ethics 9780687082025 The Truth About God $13.99 $9.73
RLGN240 Biblical Interpret Christ Ethics 9780687278329 The New Interpreter’s Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version With the Apocrypha $21.97 $10.95
RLGN242 Biblical Interpret in Church History 9781540964885 Turning Points, 4th edition $20.46 $17.95
RLGN243 Biblical Interpretation, Race & Justice 9780807010297 Jesus and the Disinherited $11.41 $8.43
RLGN243 Biblical Interpretation, Race & Justice 9780830854868 Reading While Black $14.00 $13.16
RLGN303 Biblical Hebrew 9781575060224 Beginning Biblical Hebrew $57.95 $37.50
RLGN303 Biblical Hebrew 9781426799969 70 Hebrew Words $15.98 $11.93
RLGN336 Worship in the Christian Community 9780801038747 The Worship Architect: A Blueprint for Designing Culturally Relevant and Biblically Faithful Services $16.00 $10.00
RLGN352 Medical Ethics 9780192802828 Medical Ethics: A Very Short Introduction $23.00 $4.48
RLGN352 Medical Ethics 9780199924585 Principles of Biomedical Ethics, 7th edition $58.87 $11.97
RLGN352 Medical Ethics 9780767915472 Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present $11.99 $9.90
RLGN401 ST: Justice, Non-Violence, and Luke’s Gospel 9780802807342 The Politics of Jesus (Paperback) $17.00 $10.00
RLGN401 ST: Justice, Non-Violence, and Luke’s Gospel 9781570759222 Christian Peace and Nonviolence: A Documentary History (Paperback) $34.20 $11.97
RLGN401 ST: Justice, Non-Violence, and Luke’s Gospel 9781610974998 A Faith Not Worth Fighting For $48.25 $20.21
SAXO122 Studio Instruction in Saxophone N/A N/A N/A
SPAN102 Elementary Spanish II 9788418032578 Proyectos $69.95 $43.50
SSPE110 Foundations of Sport and PE 9781284198300 Foundations of Kinesiology, 2nd edition $76.27 $46.25
SSPE202 Prin Lifetime Fitness & Wellness 9780134167602 Total Fitness & Wellness, The Mastering Health Edition, 7th edition $58.00 $31.00
SSPE203 Sport Psychology 9781450469814 Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6th edition $30.00 $12.53
SSPE207 Emergency Care/Injury Prevention 9781584806202 First Aid/ CPR/ AED Participant’s Manual $11.99 $5.99
SSPE215 Applied Human Anatomy and Physiology II 9781938168130 OpenStax College Anatomy & Physiology at N/A N/A
SSPE215L Applied Human A & P II Lab N/A N/A N/A
SSPE220 Motor Behavior 9781718211711 Motor Learning and Development, 3rd edition $89.32 $69.53
SSPE302 Organization and Administration 9781284142136 Principles and Practice of Sport Management, 6th edition $60.94 $23.38
SSPE306 Adapted Physical Education N/A N/A N/A
SSPE308 Kinesiology 9781718201439 Kinetic Anatomy, 4th edition $101.13 $61.18
SSPE310 Nutrition and Exercise 9781718207783 Nutrition For Sport, Exercise & Health $93.49 $75.96
SSPE332 Sociology of Sport 9781492593850 Social Issues in Sport, 4th edition $76.98 $45.89
SSPE353 Teaching & Analysis Dual/Indiv. Sports N/A N/A N/A
SSPE375 Seminar in Athletic Training 9781260570939 Principles of Athletic Training $86.99 $82.99
SSPE431 Methods of Teaching PE Secondary N/A N/A N/A
SSPE442 Exercise Testing and Prescription 9781496339065 ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 10th edition $18.98 $15.47
SSPE481 Internship in Sport Science and Phys Ed N/A N/A N/A
SSPE498 Internship in Physical Ed/P-12 N/A N/A N/A
SSPE499 Senior Capstone in SSPE N/A N/A N/A
TROM122 Studio Instruction in Trombone N/A N/A N/A
TROM222 Studio Instruction in Trombone N/A N/A N/A
TRUM222 Studio Instruction in Trumpet N/A N/A N/A
TRUM422 Studio Instruction in Trumpet N/A N/A N/A
TUBA122 Studio Instruction in Tuba N/A N/A N/A
VOIC122 Studio Instruction in Voice N/A N/A N/A
VOIC322 Studio Instruction in Voice N/A N/A N/A
CourseTitleISBNTitleNew PriceUsed Price
ACCT201Principles of Accounting I9781285743615Accounting 26th edition (Text Only)$31.66$4.59
ACCT201Principles of Accounting I9781285743615Standard Calculator$18.99N/A
ACCT301Intermediate Accounting I9781118742976Intermediate Accounting, 16th edition$79.99$5.44
ACCT201Principles of Accounting I9781285743615Standard Calculator$18.99N/A
ACCT350Accounting Information Systems9781119744474Accounting Information Systems$124.00N/A
ACCT401Auditing I9780134897431Auditing and Assurance Services, 17th edition$352.98$182.00
ATHT520Evaluation and Assessment in Athletic Training INANANANA
ATHT521Therapeutic Interventions in Athletic Training INANANANA
ATHT522Evaluation, Assessment, and Therapeutic InterventionNANANANA
ATHT523Nutrition, Performance Enhancement, and StrengthNANANANA
ATHT524CClinical Education in Athletic Training IINANANANA
ATHT551Evidence-Based Practice and Clinical Decision MakiNANANANA
ATHT552Evaluation and Treatment of Medical Conditions inNANANANA
ATHT553CClinical Education in Athletic Training VNANANANA
ATHT554Interprofessional Communication in Athletic TrainingNANANANA
BADM200Introduction to Business9780357122945Introduction to Business, 12th edition$70.60$52.44
BADM303Principles of Marketing9781266124983ISE Essentials of Marketing$54.00$41.30
BADM306International Business9780077842161International Marketing, 17th Edition$88.00$3.34
BADM311Business Finance9780133507690Principles of Managerial Finance, 14th edition (Pearson Series in Finance)$57.00$13.48
BADM312Principles of Management9781285849041Fundamentals of Management$49.99$10.32
BADM406Human Resource Management9781305500709Human Resource Management$180.02$129.02
BADM499Sr. Capstone in Business Administration9780134167848Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases, 16th edition  
BIOL101Principles of Biology9780073525549Biology: Concepts and Investigations$19.95$5.48
BIOL101HHonors Principles of Biology9780073525549Biology: Concepts and Investigations$19.95$5.48
BIOL103LPrinciples of Biology LaboratoryNANANANA
BIOL141Medical Vocabulary9780134701202Medical Terminology, A Living Language, 7th edition$117.32$49.96
BIOL161Environmental Science9780393422108Environmental Science and Sustainability$132.24$80.92
BIOL231Genetics9780073525365Human Genetics, 11th edition$154.74$30.29
BIOL314Human Anatomy & Physiology I9780134396026Hardcover Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, 11th edition$226.97$99.84
BIOL314LHuman Anatomy & Physiology LabNANANANA
BIOL322LCell Biology LabNANANANA
BIOL336Ecology9780190638887Ecology: Evolution, Application, Integration, 2nd edition$93.00$76.25
BIOL336LEcology LaboratoryNANANANA
BIOL417Comparative Anatomy9780078023026Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy$62.00$23.50
BIOL417LComparative Anatomy Laboratory9780077657055Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy (workbook)NANA
CAFF303Current AffairsNANANANA
CAFF303-OLCurrent AffairsNANANANA
CALL300Perspectives on Ethics and Vocation9780802829313Leading Lives That Matter: What We Should Do and Who We Should Be$15.53$1.25
CHEM105General Chemistry I Top Hat Access Code$45.00N/A
CHEM115LGeneral Chemistry I Laboratory9781640432420Instructor generated coursepack$19.95N/A
CHEM305Organic Chemistry I9780470401415Organic Chemistry, 10th Edition$67.99$6.97
CHEM315LOrganic Chemistry I LaboratoryNANANANA
CHEM385Research in Chemistry/BiochemistryNANANANA
CHEM406Biochemistry I9781464126116Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 7th edition$135.85$82.44
CHEM406LBiochemistry I LaboratoryNANANANA
CHEM409Physical Chemistry I9781133958437Physical Chemistry$81.02$21.99
CJUS100-01Introduction to Criminal Justice9780135186268Criminal Justice A Brief Introduction, 13th edition$159.99$105.78
CJUS201Criminal Investigation9780135186268Criminal Justice A Brief Introduction, 13th edition$159.99$105.78
CJUS202Survey of Corrections9781305633735American Corrections in Brief, 3rd edition$80.00$54.99
CJUS208Introduction to Criminology9781305261099Criminology: Theories, Patterns, and Typologies$85.96$48.88
CJUS302Community Relations9780134548043Police Community Relations and the Administration of Justice 9th edition$133.32$99.86
CJUS371MSeminar in CJ: Mythology of Crime and Criminal Justice9781479884971Crime TV: Streaming Criminology in Popular Culture$33.60$22.55
CJUS402Courts and Courtroom Procedures9781337557894America’s Courts and the Criminal Justice System$106.99$85.10
CLAR221Studio Instruction in ClarinetNANANANA
CMST201Introduction to Communication9781285075976Communication in Our Lives, 7th Edition$76.13$26.62
CMST232Business & Professional Communication9780078036804Communicating at Work, 11th edition$21.21$9.08
CMST242Interpersonal Communication9781319103323Reflect & Relate, 5th edition$109.95$56.41
CMST320Media Production and Reception9781506397405Media Audiences$57.00$35.00
CMST371MSeminar in CMST: Monsters on the ScreenNANANANA
CMST375Public Relations9780205857258THINK Public Relations, 2nd edition$90.66$22.00
CMST499Sr. Capstone in Communication StudiesNANANANA
ECON201Principles of Microeconomics9780133872293Microeconomics, 12th edition, Pearson Series in Economics$80.77$10.76
ECON203Economic Development of the US9780137037414American Economic History$218.07$70.64
EDUC101Foundations of Education9780134736846Your Introduction to Education$105.16$78.99
EDUC303-01The Exceptional Child in the Community9780131376090The Law and Special Education, 3rd edition$164.00$100.00
EDUC340Classroom Management for Teachers9780976423386First Days of School$16.49$11.04
EDUC342-OLEducation TechnologyNANANANA
EDUC343Assessment in Education9781609180416Explicit Instruction: Effective and Efficient Teaching$73.99$38.99
EDUC347Reading I9780132838092Phonics and Word Study for the Teacher of Reading$47.99$33.61
EDUC352Elementary Methods in Fine Arts, Health and Physical Education9780807761571The Art of Comprehension Exploring Visual Texts to Foster Comprehension$31.95$14.82
EDUC360Individualized Education Program (IEP) DevelopmentNANANANA
EDUC436Practicum Elem Ed/Collaborative SpecialNANANANA
EDUC454Elementary Methods in MathematicsNANANANA
EDUC456Elementary Methods in Science9780134516790Teaching Science Through Inquiry-Based Instruction, 13th edition$95.99$58.54
EDUC457Elementary Methods in Social StudiesNANANANA
EDUC470Professional Development SeminarNANANANA
EDUC490Internship in Elementary Education/CSE 6-12NANANANA
ENGL105Introduction to College Writing9780393538731They Say I Say$45.00$13.75
ENGL105Introduction to College Writing9781319169404A Writer’s Reference, 10th edition$75.40$49.99
ENGL105HHonors Introduction to College Writing9780393538731They Say I Say$45.00$13.75
ENGL105HHonors Introduction to College Writing9781319169404A Writer’s Reference, 10th edition$75.40$49.99
ENGL202Survey of Literary Genres9780393631692The Seagull Reader: Literature (Fourth Edition)$28.04$25.22
ENGL203Critical Perspectives in English9780061120084To Kill a Mockingbird$6.18$1.11
ENGL203Critical Perspectives in English9780393656596The Great Gatsby, Norton Critical Edition$13.02$7.47
ENGL203Critical Perspectives in English9780367709426Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide, 4th edition$54.99$37.18
ENGL204Introduction to Creative Writing9781319040161The Practice of Creative Writing: A Guide for Students, 3rd edition$95.63$22.50
ENGL204Introduction to Creative Writing9781592403110The Ode Less Travelled$11.61$3.33
ENGL204Introduction to Creative Writing9780393321241Making Shapely Fiction$10.46$2.50
ENGL211Foundations of English Literature9780393913002The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 9th edition (Vol. Package 1: Volumes A, B, C)$129.00$34.15
ENGL211Foundations of English Literature9780393934991The Norton Shakespeare, 3rd edition (Vol. One-Volume)$100.48$33.00
ENGL233The Culture of Sport9780452264014Fences by August Wilson$14.00$10.99
ENGL233The Culture of Sport9780593469316Chain Gang All Stars:$18.00$16.06
ENGL233The Culture of Sport9780393656008The Sun Also Rises: A Norton Critical Edition$14.38$11.85
ENGL234The Graphic Novel9780060976255Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art$22.49$3.16
ENGL234The Graphic Novel9781401263119The Dark Knight Returns$15.80$6.47
ENGL234The Graphic Novel9781779501127Watchmen$13.79$4.97
ENGL234The Graphic Novel9780679748403Maus [complete set of vols. 1 & 2$21.27$7.89
ENGL234The Graphic Novel9780375714832The Complete Persepolis$14.99$1.75
ENGL234The Graphic Novel9780618871711Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic$11.41$2.48
ENGL234The Graphic Novel9781506705644Incognegro: A Graphic Mystery$13.69$3.86
ENGL234The Graphic Novel9781770464063Berlin$31.89$17.01
ENGL251African American LiteratureNANANANA
ENGL361Professional Writing and Public Writing9781319245009Technical Communication 13th edition,$158.46$98.90
ENGL419Critical Theory9781526121790Beginning Theory: An Intro. to Literacy and Cultural Theory$15.91$4.16
ENGL419Critical Theory9780393920703Frankenstein: The Norton Critical Ed 2nd ed$19.79$2.56
ENGL419Critical Theory9780415433099The Routledge Critical and Cultural Theory Reader$49.39$28.21
FLUT221Studio Instruction in FluteNANANANA
GEOG200Historical Geography9780393353341Citizen Coke$13.15$3.54
GEOG200Historical Geography9781501121470Prisoners of Geography$10.39$2.21
HIST111HHonors World Civilizations I9780061155772Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time$8.00$3.17
HIST111HHonors World Civilizations I9780205053766Sources of the West, Vol I: From the Beginning to 1715, 8th edition$86.12$4.98
HIST205American History to 18779780143112082Revolutionary Characters$6.98$1.25
HIST205American History to 18779781595231154The Patriot’s History Reader, revised edition$18.12$11.99
HIST206American History, 1877 to the Present9780312302474The Burning: Massacre, Destruction, and the Tulsa Race Riot$26.26$3.61
HIST215Introduction to Historical Study9780195171570The Landscape of History$8.65$4.00
HIST315Alabama History9780817359171Alabama: The History of A Deep South State Bicentennial ed.$35.94$23.58
HIST407The Civil War and Reconstruction9780393358520The Second Founding$19.36$5.25
HIST407The Civil War and Reconstruction9780195124996For Cause and Comrades$12.90$1.63
LIBR311Library Research Methods9780226095691Information Now$10.62$1.18
MATH154College AlgebraNAStandard Calculator$18.99N/A
MATH155Precalculus MathematicsNAStandard Calculator$18.99N/A
MATH171Introduction to StatisticsNAStandard Calculator$18.99N/A
MATH255Calculus INAStandard Calculator$18.99N/A
MATH256Calculus IINAStandard Calculator$18.99N/A
MATH326Programming for Mathematics9781593277956Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 4E (Paperback)$20.99$9.66
MATH326Programming for Mathematics9781593276409Doing Math with Python$25.46$13.48
MATH355Calculus III9781429271783Calculus Volume III, Multivariable, 2nd edition$51.37 
MATH355Calculus III Standard Calculator$18.99 
MATH360Ordinary Differential EquationsNANANANA
MATH366Introduction to Abstract MathematicsNANANANA
MUAP103LKeyboard Laboratory I9781609043070Keyboard Musicianship: Piano for Adults, Book 1$47.45$9.50
MUAP108Marching BandNANANANA
MUAP113Chamber MusicNANANANA
MUAP115Concert ChoirNANANANA
MUAP117Class Instruction in StringsNANANANA
MUAP151Recital AttendanceNANANANA
MUAP203LKeyboard Laboratory III9780739049259Alfred’s Group Piano for Adults, Book 2, 2nd edition$69.98$37.31
MUSC107Theory and Harmony I9780393263053The Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis, 3rd edition$93.52$18.31
MUSC107Theory and Harmony I9780393264623The Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis Workbook, 3rd edition$30.97N/A
MUSC109Sight Singing & Ear Training I Ear Master Cloud Credit- online$17.99N/A
MUSC201Theory and Harmony III9780393263053The Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis, 3rd edition$93.52$18.31
MUSC201Theory and Harmony III9780393264623The Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis Workbook, 3rd edition$30.97N/A
MUSC205Sight Singing & Ear Training III Ear Master Cloud Credit- online$17.99N/A
MUSC209Introduction to Jazz History9780190087210The History of Jazz, 3rd edition$17.86$12.48
MUSC210Music AppreciationNAResonances: Engaging Music in Its Cultural Text- onlineNANA
MUSC301Basic Conducting9781576234532Conducting A hands on approach$4.30$36.99
MUSC308Form and AnalysisNANANANA
MUSC310Vocal Diction I9781877761515Dictation for Singers: A Concise Reference for English, Italian, Latin, German, French$79.00$48.00
MUSC335Practicum in P-12 Music Education NANANA
MUSC408Choral LiteratureNANANANA
MUSC498Internship in P-12 MusicNANANANA
PERC122Studio Instruction in PercussionNANANANA
PERC221Studio Instruction in PercussionNANANANA
PERC421Studio Instruction in PercussionNANANANA
PHSC102Physical Science9780321753342Conceptual Physical Science (5th Edition)$90.00$20.00
PHYS151Introductory Physics I9780321976444Physics, 5th edition$161.96$52.77
PHYS151Introductory Physics I Standard Calculator$18.99N/A
PHYS151LIntroductory Physics I LabNANANANA
PHYS251General Physics I9780133942651Physics for Scientists & Engineers$199.00$35.00
PHYS251General Physics I Standard Calculator$18.99N/A
PHYS251LGeneral Physics I LaboratoryNANANANA
PIAN122Studio Instruction in PianoNANANANA
PSCI201American Government9781138786349Analyzing American Democracy, 2nd edition$54.61$6.63
PSCI209World Politics9780871242563Great Decisions 2017$32.86$4.76
PSCI209World Politics9780073378992International Politics on the World Stage, Brief 8th edition$162.46$24.64
PSCI212American Policy System9780205861163Understanding Public Policy, 14th edition$68.33$51.19
PSYC201General Psychology9781319122621Psychology: A Concise Introduction 6th edition$34.15$10.95
PSYC203Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences9781133956570Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences 8th edition$25.67$18.39
PSYC303Social Psychology9788131730898Social Psychology, 9th edition$40.00$18.80
PSYC310Cognitive Psychology9781285763880Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research and Everyday Experience$98.08$14.98
PSYC327Lifespan Development9781071895221Exploring Lifespan Development, 4th edition$62.00$45.00
PSYC330MST: Legal and Forensic Psychology9780195181760Minds on trial: Great cases in law and psychology$35.39$17.38
PSYC330OSpecial Topics: Multicultural Psychology9780190854959Multicultural Psychology (Paperback)$70.00$69.00
PSYC330PSpecial Topics: Evolutionary Psychology9780205992126Evolutionary Psychology: The new science of the mind$60.00$23.00
PSYC404Abnormal Psychology9781266568190Abnormal Psychology 9th Edition with DSM-5 TR Updates$79.99$63.50
PSYC404Abnormal Psychology9781266568190Abnormal Psychology 9th Edition with DSM-5 TR Updates$79.99$63.50
RLGN101Interpreting the Old Testament9780687278329The New Interpreter’s Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version With the Apocrypha$21.97$10.95
RLGN101HHonors Interpreting the Old Testament9780687278329The New Interpreter’s Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version With the Apocrypha$21.97$10.95
RLGN212Jesus and Gospels9780061551826Surprised By Hope$13.99$1.69
RLGN212Jesus and Gospels9780800630751Fortress Introduction to the Gospels$14.70$1.50
RLGN212Jesus and Gospels9780800639006The Shadow of the Galilean: The Quest of the Historical Jesus in Narrative Form$23.00$7.99
RLGN233World Religions9780060663421The World’s Wisdom: Sacred Texts of the World’s Religions$16.00$7.55
RLGN233World Religions9780061571282God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World$25.38$19.98
RLGN240Biblical Interpretation Christian Ethics9780439023528The Hunger Games$8.99$5.00
RLGN240Biblical Interpretation Christian Ethics9780687082025The Truth About God$13.99$9.73
RLGN240Biblical Interpretation Christian Ethics9780687278329The New Interpreter’s Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version With the Apocrypha$35.48$5.76
RLGN242Biblical Interpretation in Church History9781540964885Turning Points, 4th edition$20.46$17.95
RLGN301Christian Theology9780801049330Practicing Christian Doctrine: An Introduction to Thinking and Living Theologically$14.76$8.96
RLGN323Paul and His Letters (NT Scriptures)9780809141807101 Questions and Answers on Paul$16.95$10.99
RLGN323Paul and His Letters (NT Scriptures)9781556351952Reading Paul: (Cascade Companions)$15.36$6.01
RLGN323Paul and His Letters (NT Scriptures)9781598563115Elements of Biblical Exegesis: A Basic Guide for Students and Ministers$74.99$11.95
RLGN342History of Christian Thought: Reformation-Modern Era9780664239343Readings in the History of Christian Theology Vol 2,$20.00$13.50
RLGN342History of Christian Thought: Reformation-Modern Era9780310115960Church History in Plain Language, 5th ed$20.99$15.50
SAXO221Studio Instruction in SaxophoneNANANANA
SPAN101Elementary Spanish I9788418032578Proyectos$93.63$85.00
SSPE110Foundations of Sport and PE9781284198300Foundations of Kinesiology, 2nd edition$76.27$46.25
SSPE203Sport Psychology9781718207592Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology – 8th edition$138.20$80.90
SSPE214Applied Human Anatomy and Physiology INANANANA
SSPE214LApplied Human A & P I LabNANANANA
SSPE220Motor Behavior9781718211711Motor Learning and Development, 3rd edition$129.00$79.00
SSPE302Organization and Administration in Sport and PE9781284254303Principles and Practice of Sport Management, 7th ED$74.51$60.50
SSPE306Adapted Physical Education9781718213364Adapted Physical Activity Across the Life Span$117.50$117.50
SSPE307Recreational Program/Facility ManagementNANANANA
SSPE312School Health and Wellness9781492593560The Essentials of Teaching Health Education, 2nd edition$87.00$60.82
SSPE314Community Health9781478636649The Process of Community Health, Education, and Promotion, 3rd edition$52.45$13.89
SSPE332Sociology of Sport9781492593850Social Issues in Sport, 4th edition$92.31$71.45
SSPE352Teaching & Analysis Team SportsNANANANA
SSPE375Introduction to Athletic Training9781260570939Principles of Athletic Training$132.50$94.69
SSPE415Measurement and Evaluation9780815392255Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Activity Applications$62.88$49.87
SSPE430Methods of Teaching PE in Elementary SchoolsNANANANA
SSPE433Exercise Physiology9781718201729Physiology of Sport and Exercise, 8th edition$130.38$94.90
SSPE433Exercise Physiology9781718201729Physiology of Sport and Exercise, 8th edition$130.38$94.90
SSPE435Practicum/Physical Education P-12NANANANA
TROM321Studio Instruction in TromboneNANANANA
TRUM321Studio Instruction in TrumpetNANANANA
VOIC221Studio Instruction in VoiceNANANANA


Course Course Name ISBN Title New Price Used Price
ACCT202 Principles of Accounting II 9781285743615 Accounting 26th Edition (Text Only) $88.00 $75.00
ACCT202 Principles of Accounting II Standard Calculator $18.99 $10.99
ACCT302 Intermediate Accounting II 9781118743201 Intermediate Accounting, 16th Ed (Hardback ) $125.00 $111.99
ACCT302 Intermediate Accounting II Standard Calculator $18.99 $18.99
BADM200 Introduction to Business 9780357122945 Introduction To Business, 12th Edition $69.50 $12.77
BADM203 Quantitative Methods in Mgmt 9780321755957 A First Course In Statistics, 11th Edition $146.94 $18.00
BADM203 Quantitative Methods in Mgmt Standard Calculator $18.99 $10.99
BADM220 Diversity in the Workplace 9781138731431 Diversity In The Workforce $60.07 $30.00
BADM302 Business Law 9781305075436 Essentials Of Business Law And the Legal Environment, 12th Edition $150.72 $115.00
BADM312 Principles of Management 9781285849041 Fundamentals Of Management $49.99 $10.32
BADM315 Organizational Theory and Behavior 9780078112669 Organizations: Behavior, Structure, Processes $139.52 $98.80
BADM333 Entrepreneurship 9780132555524 Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures, 4th Edition $172.97 $5.98
BADM345 Leadership for a Dynamic World. No Textbook
BADM408 Ethics in Management No Textbook
BADM499 Sr. Capstone in Business Administration: Strategic Management 9780134167848 Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts And Cases, 16th Edition $259.00 $75.96
BARI122 Applied Lessons in Baritone No Textbook
BIOL101 Principles of Biology 9780073525549 Biology: Concepts And Investigations $25.00 $6.77
BIOL103L Principles of Biology Laboratory No Textbook
BIOL161 Environmental Science 9780393422108 Environmental Science And Sustainability $115.00 $63.32
BIOL202 General Biology – Zoology 9780073028064 Animal Diversity, 6th Edition $119.62 $6.02
BIOL202L General Biology – Zoology Lab 9780073028064 Animal Diversity, 6th Edition $119.62 $6.02
BIOL227 General Biology – Botany 9780073369440 Stern’s Introductory Plant Biology $138.99 $28.08
BIOL227L General Biology – Botany Lab 9780804001496 How To Identify Plants $16.95 $5.94
BIOL227L General Biology – Botany Lab 9780807810873 Manual Of The Vascular Flora Of The Carolinas $58.85 $21.40
BIOL315 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 9780134396026 Fundamentals Of Anatomy & Physiology, 11th Edition $256.94 $43.50
BIOL315L Human Anatomy & Physiology II Lab No Textbook
BIOL325 Microbiology 9780321929150 Microbiology: An Introduction, 12th Edition $49.90 $40.78
BIOL325L Microbiology Laboratory No Textbook
BIOL343 Field Biology No Textbook
BIOL343L Field Biology Laboratory No Textbook
BIOL371 Seminar: Primary Literature in Biology No Textbook
BIOL422 Adv. Cell & Molecular Biology No Textbook
BIOL422L Advanced Cell Biology Lab No Textbook
CAFF303 Current Affairs No Textbook
CALL300 College-Readiness and Vocation 9780802829313 Leading Lives That Matter: What We Should Do And Who We Should Be $125.74 $2.09
CHEM105 General Chemistry I Top Hat Access Code $45.00 $45.00
CHEM106 General Chemistry II Top Hat Access Code $45.00 $45.00
CHEM115L General Chemistry I Laboratory No Textbook
CHEM116L General Chemistry II Laboratory No Textbook
CHEM306 Organic Chemistry II 9780470401415 Organic Chemistry, 10th Edition $30.66 $4.00
CHEM316L Organic Chemistry II Laboratory No Textbook
CHEM321 Analytical Chemistry I 9781464135385 Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 9th Edition $558.50 $199.16
CHEM321L Analytical/Environmental Chemistry Lab No Textbook
CHEM407 Biochemistry II 9781464126116 Lehninger Principles Of Biochemistry, 7th Edition. $33.98 $7.45
CHEM475 Critical Thinking Applications in Chemistry, Physics, & Biochemistry No Textbook
CHEM485 Research in Chemistry/Biochemistry No Textbook
CJUS100 Introduction to Criminal Justice 9780135186268 Criminal Justice A Brief Introduction, 13th Edition $120.00 $16.98
CJUS203 Criminal Law 9781305577381 Criminal Law 12th Edition $80.00 $72.00
CJUS208 Introduction to Criminology 9781305261099 Criminology: Theories, Patterns, And Typologies $151.85 $2.55
CJUS209 Introduction to Juvenile Delinquency 9780133826289 Juvenile Delinquency, 2nd Edition $98.20 $9.89
CJUS305 Terrorism 9781544342931 Essential Of Terrorism Concepts And Controversies $75.50 $55.01
CJUS404 Ethics and the Criminal Justice System 9781478646204 Case Studies In Criminal Justice Ethics $13.48 $6.53
CJUS404 Ethics and the Criminal Justice System 9780133843286 Professional Ethics In Criminal Justice When No One Is Looking 4th Ed $77.60 $56.47
CLAR122 Studio Instruction in Clarinet No Textbook
CLAR222 Studio Instruction in Clarinet No Textbook
CLAR321 Studio Instruction in Clarinet No Textbook
CMST201 Introduction to Communication 9781285075976 Communication In Our Lives, 7th Edition $76.13 $26.62
CMST220 Media and Society 9781305580985 Media Impact, 12th Edition $76.13 $26.62
CMST311 Rhetorical Criticism 9781577665861 Rhetorical Criticism : Exploration & Practice 4th Ed $54.70 $7.73
CMST335 Small Group Communication 9780073534343 Effective Group Discussion $44.39 $5.49
CMST385 Research Methods in Communication 9780190652746 Communication Research Methods $98.58 $64.22
CMST420 Organizational Communication 9781483317069 Organizational Communication: A Critical Introduction, 2nd Edition $133.66 $53.28
COLL 100 College-Readiness and Vocation No Textbook
ECON202 Principles of Macroeconomics 9780133872644 Macroeconomics, 12th Edition (Pearson Series In Economics) $80.00 $18.78
ECON206 Personal Finance 9780134408378 Personal Finance, 6th Edition $215.99 $89.96
EDUC202 Survey of Exceptional Children and Youth 9780135160428 Exceptional Children: An Introduction To Special Education, 11th Edition $63.33 $10.00
EDUC235 Human Growth, Development and Learning 9780593138533 Stolen Focus $10.99 $8.99
EDUC302 The Exceptional Child in the Classroom 9780133589399 Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Effective, Differentiated And Reflective Practices, Enhanced Pearson Etext With Loose-Leaf Version — Access Card Package (8th Edition) $79.99 $67.75
EDUC313 No Textbook
EDUC314 Secondary History Methods No Textbook
EDUC321 General Secondary Methods 9780132101523 Teaching In the Secondary School 7th Ed $89.99 $2.41
EDUC334 Early Numeracy 9780136818038 Elementary And Middle School Math 11th Ed $92.00 $77.25
EDUC335 No Textbook
EDUC339 Reading in the Content Areas 9781462508167 Bringing Word To Life 2nd Ed $21.06 $13.49
EDUC339 Reading in the Content Areas 9781634022439 Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures $59.99 $51.99
EDUC339 Reading in the Content Areas 9780135180877 Improving Adolescent Literacy 5th Ed $53.31 $25.50
EDUC348 Reading II 9781681254036 The Reading Comprehension Blueprint $44.01 $31.00
EDUC348 Reading II 9780132838092 Phonics And Word Study For The Teacher Of Reading $47.99 $36.48
EDUC348 Reading II 9781681253305 Speech To Print: Language Essentials For Teachers $42.09 $29.40
EDUC348 Reading II 9781634022439 Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures $59.99 $51.99
EDUC348 Reading II 9781732046825 Ufli Teaching Manual $70.00 $70.00
EDUC349 Literacy for Home and School 9781119364917 Writing Revolution $18.29 $33.25
EDUC349 Literacy for Home and School 9781634022439 Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures $59.99 $51.99
EDUC349 Literacy for Home and School 9781681253305 Speech To Print: Language Essentials For Teachers $42.09 $29.40
EDUC470 Professional Development Seminar No Textbook
EDUC490 Internship in Elementary Education/CS No Textbook
EDUC497 Internship in Secondary Education No Textbook
ENGL106 Writing Across the Disciplines 9781319169404 A Writer’s Reference, 10th Edition $73.90 $38.57
ENGL106 Writing Across the Disciplines 9780393538731 They Say I Say $45.00 $13.75
ENGL106H Honors Writing Across the Disciplines 9781319169404 A Writer’s Reference, 10th Edition
ENGL106H Honors Writing Across the Disciplines 9780393538731 They Say I Say
ENGL202 Survey of Literary Genres 9780393631692 The Seagull Reader: Literature, 4th Edition $42.50 $36.02
ENGL212 English Literature II 9780140424522 Don Juan, Lord Byron, Penguin Classics $17.00
ENGL212 English Literature II 9780198815518 Middlemarch, George Elit, Oxford Worlds Classics $10.95
ENGL212 English Literature II 9780544273443 The Lord Of The Rings, JRR Tolkien, Deluxe Edition $20.00
ENGL213 Literature by Women 9780486838038 The Blazing World
ENGL213 Literature by Women 9780199537167 Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
ENGL213 Literature by Women 9780312367541 A Wrinkle In Time
ENGL213 Literature by Women 9781538732182 Parable Of The Sower
ENGL213 Literature by Women 9780385721677 Oryx And Crake
ENGL232 Writing About Movies 9780393664904 Writing About Movies , 5th Ed $10.00 $1.87
ENGL233 The Culture of Sport 9780452264014 Fences By August Wilson $13.28 $1.50
ENGL233 The Culture of Sport 9780593469316 Chain Gang All Stars: $18.00 $16.06
ENGL233 The Culture of Sport 9780393656008 The Sun Also Rises: A Norton Critical Edition $14.38 $11.85
ENGL302 Writing Fiction 9780393321241 Making Shapely Fiction $19.00 $12.59
ENGL302 Writing Fiction 9780321363633 The Art Of The Short Story 52 Great Authors, Their Best Short Fiction, And Their Insights $11.70 $3.86
ENGL309 Children’s and Young Adult Literature 9780062846723 Concrete Rose $8.99 $4.55
ENGL309 Children’s and Young Adult Literature 9781442419810 Uglies $9.79 $3.83
ENGL309 Children’s and Young Adult Literature 9781770864863 The Marrow Thieves $8.56 $3.85
ENGL309 Children’s and Young Adult Literature 9781442408937 Aristotle And Dante Discover The Secrets Of The Universe $8.95 $2.25
ENGL309 Children’s and Young Adult Literature 9780439136365 Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban $4.60 $0.99
ENGL309 Children’s and Young Adult Literature 9781250194121 Children Of Blood And Bone $10.13 $6.59
ENGL309 Children’s and Young Adult Literature 9781492623168 Labyrinth Lost $4.95 $1.99
ENGL309 Children’s and Young Adult Literature 9780062498533 The Hate U Give $14.98 $9.97
ENGL309 Children’s and Young Adult Literature 9780142424179 The Fault In Our Stars $4.99 $1.49
ENGL309 Children’s and Young Adult Literature 9781419739262 On The Edge Of Gone
ENGL315 Film Studies 9780415582599 Introduction To Film Studies $50.78 $25.60
ENGL315 Film Studies 9780393664904 Writing About Movies, 5th Ed $10.00
ENGL423 Renaissance True Crime: Sem. in Engl Lit 9780713677652 Arden Of Faversham
ENGL423 Renaissance True Crime: Sem. in Engl Lit 9780713642537 The Witch Of Edmonton
ENGL423 Renaissance True Crime: Sem. in Engl Lit 9781496225528 A Warning For Fair Women
ENGL431 Creative Writing Practicum: 9780802132635 Editors On Editing What Writers Need To Know About What Editors Do $14.30 $1.96
FLUT222 Studio Instruction in Flute
HIST112H Honors World Civilizations II 9780679406419 The Complete Maus $24.99 $16.90
HIST205 American History to 1877 9780143112082 Revolutionary Characters $6.98 $1.25
HIST205 American History to 1877 9781595230782 The Patriot’s History Reader, Revised Edition $18.12 $11.99
HIST206 American History, 1877 to the Present 9780312302474 The Burning: Massacre, Destruction, And The Tulsa Race Riot $26.26 $3.61
HIST306 The French Revolution and Napoleon 9781681776170 The French Revolution $25.00 $14.49
HIST306 The French Revolution and Napoleon 9780190262716 Napoleon A Concise Biography $15.72 $10.06
HIST310 The Far East 9780521731645 A History Of East Asia $44.55 $2.21
HIST405 History of the South 9780679758334 Confederates In The Attic $14.73 $2.06
HIST405 History of the South 9780671866396 Warriors Don’t Cry $10.19 $6.16
INDP301 Environmental Justice 9781479861781 Toxic Communities
MATH154 College Algebra Standard Calculator $18.99 $18.99
MATH154L College Algebra No Textbook
MATH155 Precalculus Mathematics Standard Calculator $18.99 $18.99
MATH171 Introduction to Statistics Standard Calculator $18.99 $18.99
MATH221 Mathematics for Elementary Education 9781464103353 Reconceptualizing Mathematics For Elementary School Teachers, 2nd Edition $148.73 $88.60
MATH255 Calculus I Standard Calculator $18.99 $18.99
MATH256 Calculus II Standard Calculator $18.99 $18.99
MATH315 Geometry 9780821889855 Euclidean Geometry: A Guided Inquiry Approach $44.00 $32.70
MATH320 Linear Algebra No Textbook
MATH372 Seminar in Mathematics – Advanced Topics in Logic No Textbook
MATH411 Abstract Algebra 9780486474175 A Book Of Abstract Algebra, 2nd Edition $15.79 $3.86
MATH460 Advanced Applied Mathematics 9780486479309 Advanced Mathematics For Engineers And Scientists $21.00 $8.00
MATH471 Mathematical Statistics No Textbook
MUAP104L Keyboard Laboratory II 9781609043070 Keyboard Musicianship: Piano For Adults, Book 1 $45.04 $45.04
MUAP104L Keyboard Laboratory II 9781609043070 Keyboard Musicianship: Piano For Adults, Book 1 $69.98 $37.31
MUAP109 Concert Band No Textbook
MUAP113 Chamber Music No Textbook
MUAP115 Concert Choir No Textbook
MUAP119 No Textbook
MUAP151 Recital Attendance No Textbook
MUAP153 Jazz Ensemble No Textbook
MUAP200 Sophomore Performance Proficiency No Textbook
MUAP204L Keyboard Laboratory IV 9780739049259 Alfred’s Group Piano For Adults, Book 2 $69.98 $37.31
MUAP209 Piano Proficiency No Textbook
MUAP498 No Textbook
MUAP499 Senior Capstone: Instrumental Recital No Textbook
MUSC108 Theory and Harmony II 9780393263053 The Musician’s Guide To Theory And Analysis (Third Edition) $47.90 $9.88
MUSC108 Theory and Harmony II 9780393264623 The Musician’s Guide To Theory And Analysis Workbook, 3rd Edition
MUSC110 Sight Singing & Ear Training II No Textbook
MUSC200 Theory Proficiency No Textbook
MUSC202 Theory and Harmony IV 9780393263053 The Musician’s Guide To Theory And Analysis (Third Edition) $47.90 $9.88
MUSC202 Theory and Harmony IV 9780393264623 The Musician’s Guide To Theory And Analysis Workbook, 3rd Edition
MUSC206 Sight Singing & Ear Training IV No Textbook
MUSC209 Introduction to Jazz History 9780190925901 Listening To Jazz 2nd Ed. $126.00 $70.00
MUSC210 Music Appreciation Professor Generated Online Text
MUSC240 Introduction to Music History and Literature 9781940771311 Resonances: Engaging Music In Its Cultural Context $63.32 $35.72
MUSC302 No Textbook
MUSC303 Instrumental Conducting 9780193868540 Conducting Technique: For Beginners And Professionals Book 3Rd Edition $20.00 $17.00
MUSC342 Music and Technology 9781138954373 Modern Recording Techniques, 9th Edition $49.04 $24.83
PERC122 Studio Instruction in Percussion No Textbook
PERC221 Studio Instruction in Percussion No Textbook
PERC222 Studio Instruction in Percussion No Textbook
PERC422 Studio Instruction in Percussion No Textbook
PHSC102 Physical Science 9780321753342 Conceptual Physical Science (5th Edition) $90.00 $20.00
PHYS152 Introductory Physics II 9780321976444 Physics, 5th Edition $161.96 $52.77
PHYS152 Introductory Physics II Standard Calculator $18.99 $18.99
PHYS152L Introductory Physics II Lab No Textbook
PHYS252 General Physics II 9780321976444 Physics, 5th Edition $161.96 $52.77
PHYS252 General Physics II Standard Calculator $18.99 $18.99
PHYS252L General Physics II Laboratory No Textbook
PIAN221 Studio Instruction in Piano No Textbook
PSCI212 American Policy System 9780205861163 Understanding Public Policy, 14th Edition $68.33 $51.19
PSCI305 Presidency and Congress 9780840030122 Presidential Leadership: Politics And Policy Making $66.00 $50.00
PSCI305 Presidency and Congress 9780691178172 The Rhetorical Presidency $16.01 $9.20
PSCI305 Presidency and Congress 9781933995199 The Cult Of The Presidency $15.95 $9.87
PSCI308 Public Organizations and Policy 9780618993017 Public Administration: Concepts And Cases 9th Edition $183.48 $41.90
PSYC201 General Psychology 9781319122621 Psychology: A Concise Introduction 6th Edition $34.15 $10.95
PSYC204 Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences 9781337613316 Research Methods For The Behavioral Sciences, 6th Edition $66.00 $41.00
PSYC204 Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences 9781305104136 Research Methods For The Behavioral Sciences, 5th Edition $49.99 $11.47
PSYC303 Social Psychology 9788131730898 Social Psychology, 9th Edition $40.00 $18.80
PSYC307 Theories of Personality 9781111834531 Theories Of Personality $44.91 $20.43
PSYC311 Psychology of Women 9780205963232 Gender: Psychological Perspectives, 7th Edition $26.66 $24.30
PSYC327 Lifespan Development 9781071895221 Exploring Lifespan Development, 4th Edition $62.00 $45.00
PSYC401 Physiological Psychology 9781111831004 Biological Psychology $42.62 $7.48
PSYC405 Clinical Practice 9781483345048 Clinical Psychology: Science, Practice And Culture 3Rd $49.00 $10.00
RLGN102 Interpreting the New Testament 9780687278329 The New Interpreter’s Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version With The Apocrypha $21.97 $10.95
RLGN102H Honors Interpreting the New Testament 9780687278329 The New Interpreter’s Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version With The Apocrypha $21.97 $10.95
RLGN208 Torah 9780393333930 5 Book Of Moses $14.98 $7.00
RLGN208 Torah 9781851688548 The Torah: A Beginner’s Guide (Beginner’s Guides) $9.74 $2.04
RLGN212 Jesus and Gospels 9780800630751 Fortress Introduction To The Gospels $8.40 $1.23
RLGN212 Jesus and Gospels 9780800639006 The Shadow Of The Galilean: The Quest Of The Historical Jesus In Narrative Form $18.00 $4.38
RLGN240 Biblical Interpret Christ Ethics 9780687278329 The New Interpreter’s Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version With The Apocrypha $21.97 $10.95
RLGN241 Biblical Interpreta Christian Theology 9780310538929 The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read The Bible $12.24 $7.72
RLGN241 Biblical Interpreta Christian Theology 9781433538926 What’s Your Worldview?: An Interactive Approach To Life’s Big Questions $10.99 $2.74
RLGN315 Race and Old Testament 9780800625016 Stony The Road We Trod $19.73 $2.69
RLGN315 Race and Old Testament 9780691167053 Racism A Short History $22.54 $4.45
RLGN325 General Epistles 9780300098396 The Christians As The Romans Saw Them, 2nd Edition $14.36 $9.00
RLGN325 General Epistles 9780802809865 Brother Of Jesus, Friend Of God $21.44 $13.62
RLGN325 General Epistles 9780664252656 First And Second Peter And Jude (Westminster Bible Companion) $20.00 $17.00
RLGN350 Christian ethics 9780687467365 Introduction To Christian Ethics $17.18 $11.56
RLGN400 9781506462738 A Lay Preacher’s Guide: How To Craft A Faithful Sermon $22.00 $14.00
SAXO122 Studio Instruction in Saxophone No Textbook
SAXO222 Studio Instruction in Saxophone No Textbook
SAXO321 Studio Instruction in Saxophone No Textbook
SCHL201 No Textbook
SOCI103 General Sociology 9781324062318 Essentials Of Sociology, 9th Edition $85.00 $85.00
SPAN102 Elementary Spanish II Proyectos $69.95 $43.50
SSPE175 No Textbook
SSPE202 Prin Lifetime Fitness & Wellness 9780134167602 Total Fitness & Wellness, The Mastering Health Edition, 7th Edition $58.00 $31.00
SSPE203 Sport Psychology 9781718207592 Foundations Of Sport And Exercise Psychology, 8th Edition $130.76 $88.60
SSPE207 Emergency Care/Injury Prevention 9781584806202 First Aid/ CPR/ AED Participant’s Manual $11.99 $5.99
SSPE215 Applied Human Anatomy and Physiology II No Textbook
SSPE215L Applied Human A & P II Lab No Textbook
SSPE220 Motor Behavior 9781718211711 Motor Learning And Development, 3Rd Edition $129.00 $79.00
SSPE302 Organization and Administration 9781284142136 Principles And Practice Of Sport Management, 6th Edition $60.94 $23.38
SSPE306 Adapted Physical Education 9781718213364 Adapted Physical Activity Across The Life Span $117.50 $117.50
SSPE308 Kinesiology 9781718201439 Kinetic Anatomy, 4th Edition $101.13 $61.18
SSPE310 Nutrition and Exercise 9781718207783 Nutrition For Sport, Exercise & Health $93.49 $75.96
SSPE332 Sociology of Sport 9781492593850 Social Issues In Sport, 4th Edition $76.98 $45.89
SSPE353 Teaching & Analysis Dual/Indiv. Sports No Textbook
SSPE431 Methods of Teaching PE Secondary No Textbook
SSPE435 No Textbook
SSPE442 Exercise Testing and Prescription 9781496339065 Acsm’s Guidelines For Exercise Testing And Prescription, 10th Edition $18.98 $15.47
SSPE498 Internship in Physical Ed/P-12 No Textbook
SSPE499 Senior Capstone in SSPE No Textbook
TROM122 Studio Instruction in Trombone No Textbook
TROM222 Studio Instruction in Trombone No Textbook
TROM322 Studio Instruction in Trombone No Textbook
TRUM122 Studio Instruction in Trumpet No Textbook
TRUM322 Studio Instruction in Trumpet No Textbook
TUBA221 Studio Instruction in Tuba No Textbook
VOIC122 Studio Instruction in Voice No Textbook
VOIC222 Studio Instruction in Voice No Textbook
VOIC321 Studio Instruction in Voice No Textbook
CourseCourse TitleISBNTitleNewUsed
ATHT510Acute and Emergency Care in Athletic Training9781492536536Acute and Emergency Care in Athletic Training  $66.50
ATHT511Orientation to Clinical Education in Athletic Training9780803628298Athletic Training Clinical Workbook: A Guide to the Competencies$47.00N/A
ATHT512Anatomical and Physiological Basis for Injury and Illness in Athletic Training9781260575637Manual of Structural Kinesiology, 21st edition $55.00
ATHT512Anatomical and Physiological Basis for Injury and Illness in Athletic Training9781260809022Principles of Athletic Training: A Guide to Evidence-Based Clinical Practice, 17th edition $77.50
ATHT513Community Health Promotion and Injury Prevention in Athletic Training9781284235197Health & Wellness, 14 edition $75.50
CourseCourse TitleISBNTextbookAuthorUsed
ATHT520Evaluation and Assessment in AT9780803639188Examination of Orthopedic & Athletic Injuries, 4th editionStarkey and Brown$74.00
ATHT521Therapeutic Interventions in AT9781450468831Therapeutic Exercise for Musculoskeletal Injuries, 4th editionHouglum$82.00
ATHT521Therapeutic Interventions in AT9780803645639Michlovitz’s Modalities for Therapeutic Intervention, 6th editionBellew, Michlovitz, Nolan$19.50
ATHT522Eval, Assess, TI Lab in AT No textbook  
ATHT523Nutrition, Perf Enh, S&C in AT9781492501626Essentials of Strength Training & Conditioning, 4th editionHaff$50.00
ATHT524Clinical Education in AT II No textbook  
Course Course Name ISBN Book Title New Cost Used Cost
ATHT530 Evaluation and Assessment in Athletic Training II N/A N/A N/A
ATHT531 Therapeutic Interventions in Athletic Training II 9780803645639 Michlovitz’s Modalities for Therapeutic Intervention, 6th edition $54.99 $11.03
ATHT531 Therapeutic Interventions in Athletic Training II 9781450468831 Therapeutic Exercise for Musculoskeletal Injuries, 4th edition $56.09 $20.82
ATHT532 Evaluation, Assessment, and Therapeutic Interventi N/A N/A N/A
ATHT533 Evidence-Based Practice and Clinical Decision Maki 9781450498159 Evidence-Based Practice In Athetic Training $60.41 $35.87
ATHT534C Clinical Education in Athletic Training III N/A N/A N/A
Course Course Name ISBN Book Title New Cost Used Cost
ATHT510 Acute and Emergency Care in Athletic Training 9781492536536 Acute and Emergency Care in Athletic Training $87.98 $75.80
ATHT511 Orientation to Clinical Education in Athletic Training 9780803628298 Athletic Training Clinical Workbook: A Guide to the Competencies(NEW) $74.43 $6.79
ATHT512 Anatomical and Physiological Basis for Injury and Illness in Athletic Training 9781260575637 Manual of Structural Kinesiology, 21st edition $114.01 $72.29
ATHT512 Anatomical and Physiological Basis for Injury and Illness in Athletic Training 9781260809022 Principles of Athletic Training: A Guide to Evidence-Based Clinical Practice, 17th edition $107.01 $95.80
ATHT513 Community Health Promotion and Injury Prevention in Athletic Training 9781264013081 Fit & Well: Core Concepts and Labs in Physical Fitness and Wellness $108.80 $61.40
ATHT540 Pharmacology in Athletic Training 9781492594185 Clinical Pharmacology in Athletic Training $104.89 $80.44
ATHT541 Psychological Aspects of Sport in Athletic Training 9781450424462 Psychology of Sport Injury $65.49 $35.00
ATHT544 Organization, Administration and Management in Athletic Training 9781492536185 Management Strategies in Athletic Training, 5th Edition $66.13 $48.31
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